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VAR/VAD Application Form
Return to: Business Systems International
20942 Osborne Street
Canoga Park, CA 91304 (818) 998-7227
1. Legal Company Name:_________________________________________________
Telephone: ( )__________________________________________
2. Owner Name(s):______________________________________________________
3. Resellers No. (California only) ___________________________________________
4. Retail Storefront? [ ] YES [ ] NO Franchise? [ ] YES [ ] NO
5. Application applies to following location:
Address: _________________________________________________
Telephone: ( ) ___________________________________________
6. Staffing:
Sales (Inside): ________ Full-time Equivalents (FTE's)
Sales (Outside): ________ FTE's
Trainers: ________ FTE's
End-User Support: ________ FTE's
7. Management:
Name: _____________________________ Title: _____________________________
Name: _____________________________ Title: _____________________________
Name: _____________________________ Title: _____________________________
8. Target Markets:
Industry: __________________________ Industry: __________________________
Geographic Area: ___________________ Geographic Area: ___________________
Percent of Revenue: ________________ Percent of Revenue: ________________
9. Years in business: _____________________ At this location: __________________
_________________________________________ _____________________________________
Authorized Signature Title
_________________________________________ _____________________________________
Printed Name Telephone Number
&a0206v0288H20942 Osborne Street
&a0326v0288HCanoga Park, California 91304
&a0446v0288H(818) 998-7227 Telex #5101004239
&a0326v4248HORDER FORM
&a0806v0360HName -
&a0576v1368H(SHIP TO)
&a1046v0360HTitle -
&a1286v0360HCompany -
&a1046v3024HTitle -
&a1286v3024HCompany -
&a1526v0360HAddress -
&a1526v3024HAddress -
&a1646v0360HCity, State, Zip Code -
&a1646v3024HCity, State, Zip Code -
&a2006v0360HPhone Number -
&a2006v3024HPhone Number -
&a2246v0360HVISA or MasterCard accepted or make check payable to Business Systems.
&a3566v1584HIBM/pc, compat.
&a3806v0360HLasersoft/pc LJ
&a3806v1584HIBM/pc, compat.
&a3806v2808HHP Laserjet
&a4046v0360HLasersoft/pc LJ+
&a4046v1584HIBM/pc, compat.
&a4046v2808HHP Laserjet/PLUS
&a4286v1584HHP 3000
&a4286v2808HHP LaserJet
&a5126v0360HOther - Please
&a5486v0360HShipped UPS 2nd day unless otherwise arranged.
&a5726v0360HSpecial Instructions:
&a2486v0360HDate : / /
&a2486v1398HPO #
&a1406v0869H(Do not use PO Box#)
&a2366v2396HMasterCard or VISA NO. (Circle)
&a0806v3024HName -
&a2726v0360HIf for Resale, give tax exempt number :_______________________________
&a2966v0360HX Authorized Signature :
&a2366v4896HExp Date
&a6426v0360HFor BSI Use Only
&a6686v0360HVAR / VAD :
&a6926v0360HExceptions :
&a7166v0360HInvoice No. :
&a7406v0360HDate Received :
&a7406v3096HDate Shipped :
&a7166v3096HSerial No. :
&a6926v3096HApproved By :
&a6686v3096HPayment Method :
&a6446v3096HSales Person :
&a5606v4047HCal. Sales Tax
&a5726v4032HIf Applicable
&a0576v4104H(BILL TO)
(120XLasersoft Aids Productivity
Lasersoft aids productivity beyond just the preparation and use of elec-
tronic forms by greatly simplifying the use of laser printers. These aids
to productivity include:
1. The definition and use of print fonts by a user defined name
or number, eliminating the need to deal with complex escape
2. The creation of font "groupings" for rapid downloading.
3. The creation of forms "groupings" for rapid downloading.
4. The ability to display (list) all the fonts, font groups, and
forms groups entered into Lasersoft Font/Form Library.
5. A simple method for sending (downloading) fonts and forms to
the laser printer.
(120XHardware Requirements
IBM PC, HP Vectra, or compatible with standard monochrome display
and 128k. Lasersoft multi-user versions are available for the HP 3000
and DEC VAX.
(120XSpecial Opportunity
Priced at $295 for the PC version, Lasersoft is an inexpensive way to
gain control of your forms management problems. It delivers important cost
savings by reducing the need for outside printing, waste, obsolete forms,
and extra printing costs when you are out of stock.
Send for your copy of Lasersoft today. You have nothing to lose. Your
savings will offset the purchase price in 30 days. All BSI software
products have a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied,
return it on or before the 30-day period for a full refund.
Don't delay. Use the order form enclosed or call us at (818) 998-7227.
Start saving money immediately.
(120XLasersoft Product Description
Lasersoft is a laser printer productivity package which provides the
user with the ability to: design electronic forms, superimpose data onto
forms, download fonts and forms, and maintain a complete library of fonts.
Lasersoft reduces the complexities of laser printing to easily understood
choices presented on screens. Lasersoft was developed by Business Systems
International, a recognized expert in software for laser printers.
(120XElectronic Forms
Which of these forms problems do you suffer from?
o Forms out of stock at a critical time?
o Frustration with time consuming alignment problems?
o Typesetting and printing costs?
o Excessive time delays in form updates?
You now have a way to solve one or all of these problems with Lasersoft.
It is a technological solution to the age old problem of handling forms.
The use of forms is unavoidable. Purchase orders, expense reports, invoices,
time sheets, inventory reports, work process tickets, telephone messages -
the list is endless. And all of these forms must be catalogued, processed,
updated, inventoried, and eventually used.
Our business is just like yours. We haven't been able to free ourselves
from using forms any more than you. But there is one important difference
between us. We have brought our forms problem under control - and with a
major cost savings to the company. We create, revise, and maintain all our
forms - using our own staff, a laser printer and Lasersoft. We can merge
variable data with our forms. Data can be generated by exsisting application
software, typing, or through the use of BSI's Data Entry Template Package
which allows us to design our own data entry screens for data capture and
printing on forms.
There is more good news. With Lasersoft we can create charts, bar
graphs, and presentation graphics. We can develop just about any form we
need. Lasersoft allows us to store fonts and forms, and download them to the
printer as needed. We have no forms inventory to speak of, updates are a
quick and painless process, and we do not have to wait for stock forms. All
our forms are stored in a computer's memory - a smaller and tidier place
than a storeroom shelf.